Appearance of the plant: The Cycas Revoluta, also known as the Sago Palm, has an exotic appearance with its elegant, feather-shaped leaves. The leaves are deep green, glossy and have a needle-like structure. The plant grows in a rosette shape with leaves emerging from a central stem. Flowers are rare on the Cycas Revoluta, especially in indoor conditions.
Location: The Cycas Revoluta thrives best in a sunny spot, both indoors and outdoors. Place the plant in a location where it receives a lot of indirect sunlight. Outside it can be placed in a sunny spot, but it is important to protect it from extreme weather conditions.
Water Needs: Cycas Revoluta has low to moderate water needs. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so make sure the plant has well-draining soil and avoid maintaining standing water.
Shipping: We pack your products in a sturdy box, specially designed for (house)plants. The plants and potting soil are protected by a protective cover. The houseplants are secured in the box. This way, your plant is not only delivered fresh and healthy, but also undamaged.